Monday, February 16, 2009

A Perfect Sunday

So today was the kind of day that I had envisioned when I decided to move back here. It began something like this:
I awakened with the first glimmer of light, which I love, being on the same schedule as the sun. There is that moment when I am wondering if it is the middle of the night or if it is close to morning, and as I am looking out my humidifier-steamed window and up Bear Creek at the contrast between mountain and sky, I see that there is a hint of light starting to creep into the world out there, and I contemplate the beginnings of my day. Roomie is in Aspen, visiting with friends and seeing some live music, taking a break from our little world here, and the Double Ds, Dallas and Dakota, are at her parents' house across town hanging with Kia, another Aussie Shepherdish dog.
I do my usual Jasmine green tea in bed, check gmail and Facebook to see how all my friends are filling the minutes of their days as well. I am moving into a unit behind our house this week, and the space is in need of some energetic cleansing before I start to inhabit it. I pondered about the best way to clear the space and decided to check out Scott Marmorstein's website and perhaps even email him about specific verbiage and also find some sage to burn before I am in. Some of you may remember when he visited Maui and I had a private session with him and also attended a class/workshop that he hosted at the yoga studio in Haiku? Maybe not, but anyway, I learned a lot about how to cleanse and rebalance my own energy field/aura and then how to protect myself from getting "slimed" by others. I thought that would be a good first step, cleanse, protect and then the third step would be to cleanse the actual space I am moving into (this is the unit where the girl tried to off herself and it was quite a bloodbath apparently). Well, I get caught up in his site and end up ordering a digitial copy of two of his publications and the hour slips by and then I'm hungry and have to go upstairs to make an egg and cheese English muffin and another cup of tea.
So anyway, KJ calls and it turns out hubby is sick and she can leave her son with him and come snowboarding with me in the afternoon when it warms up and the snow gets soft and fun. I head out for a hike up Tomboy Road, get some exercise in and enjoy the blue blue skies and clear air. I also swing by the snowboard shop to pick up some sticky spikes to put on my new snowboard because I don't want a stomp pad to cover the seahorse on it! Check it out here. The deck is bamboo and I know I'm not supposed to be spending money, especially on snowboards since I'm trying to transition to skiing, but it was on sale and my old gear was so old--like ten years-- and I truly need some days on the mountain with my snowboard girlfriends. They had my old board, which I picked up as well, and on the way home I stopped for my Sunday latte, you know, the latte I allow myself once a week because I love them too much to have every day. Once home, I affixed the stomp spikes, if we can call them that, and found myself hungry again so I made a salmon salad sandwich and ate all my supplements and readied myself to go ride with KJ.
Turns out when I got to the gondola I was early and lift 9 was not running, so I rode the gondola up and did a Milk Run with Greg Craig, then on the second run up, rode with Kuckly and O'Neill, had a few laughs and rode down to the bottom of 4 to meet up with KJ. We had so much fun! Laps on 7, Milk Run and Coonie and lower North Chute, then over to 4 for some bumps and then we found ourselves hungry and awaiting the start of the free JJ Grey and Mofro concert in the Mountain Village Plaza. It was sunny and warm(ish) and most everyone is in ski gear, tanned and high on their days of snow and sun. We shared a cheese crepe, then a gyro and polished off a box of Girl Scout Samoans with Gus and Walter. Then KJ headed home to her men, and I stayed and boogied until 5, found the mom group with babies and toddlers and then parted ways at the pizza place, when I saw Robyn and Asa (Robyn is one of the owners of the yoga studio here) and we decided to go to Lumiere, the new boutique condotel here. Turns out they have super comfy leather couches and NINE DOLLAR Heinekins. Someone else paid. Made it easier to swallow. We sat by a crackling fire and shared a sushi roll with some friends of theirs that were there, and chatted and then saw JJ and Stryker and finally decided to head home and get some dinner. Walter and I hit the gondola back to town and I made it home to a hot shower and then, finally, by lovely bed.
It was just a nice day all around, the quiet morning time, the solo hike in the early sun, the new board, the laps on 7 with my girlfriend, the free concert and all the sunny faces, the friends and the beverage and sushi in the lap of luxury. To quote Jane, "Good times had by all."

1 comment:

Jane said...

oh how i wish i were there having the good time too!:)